The content, including MOD apps and files available for download on, is provided for general information and use. By downloading any files or content from our website, you agree that the responsibility for ensuring compatibility and security lies solely with you.
While we take measures to scan and check files for viruses and malware using industry-standard security scanners, we cannot guarantee the absolute safety, security, or proper functioning of every file on every device. It is your responsibility to verify that any downloaded MOD app or file is compatible with your device, operating system, and software environment. You are also encouraged to ensure that your device has proper security measures, such as antivirus programs, in place.
By using, you acknowledge that:
- does not bear any responsibility for any damages, data loss, or other issues caused by the use of files downloaded from our website.
- You are downloading and installing files at your own risk, and it is your responsibility to test the compatibility of the app with your device.
- Any modifications or use of the apps are at your own discretion, and is not liable for any misuse, legal issues, or security problems that may arise.
We advise you to carefully review the files, perform your own security checks, and use the downloaded content responsibly. does not guarantee continuous availability of services or that the files hosted on the site will always be free from inaccuracies or technical errors.
If you do not agree with this disclaimer, you should refrain from downloading any content from the website.